NEURO FAST Liquid – Advanced Nervine Tonic with Vitamins & Minerals
NEURO FAST Liquid is an advanced nervine tonic fortified with essential vitamins and minerals. It is specifically formulated to enhance neuronal health, energy generation, and overall immunity in livestock. This potent supplement is ideal for addressing weakness, debility, and various stress-related conditions in animals.
Key Features:
- Nervine Tonic: Repairs damaged myelin sheath and enhances neuronal rejuvenation.
- Energy Booster: Supports cellular rejuvenation and energy generation.
- Immune Support: Potent antioxidants combat free radicals and enhance immunity.
- Stress Reduction: Reduces stress hormone secretion, promoting animal well-being.
Detailed Description: NEURO FAST Liquid is designed to provide comprehensive support for the nervous system, energy metabolism, and immune function. Mecobalamine repairs damaged myelin sheath, while Vitamin B6 aids in neurotransmitter synthesis. Chromium activates insulin receptors, enhancing glucose extraction from the bloodstream. Nicotinamide helps metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, releasing energy. Additionally, potent antioxidants like Vitamin C, Copper, and Chromium combat free radicals and enhance immunity, reducing stress in animals.
Product Composition: Each 10 ml contains:
- Mecobalamine: 600 mcg
- Thiamine: 50 mg
- Copper: 0.70 mg
- Biotin: 1 mg
- Nicotinamide: 50 mg
- Iodine: 80 mcg
- Vitamin B6: 45 mg
- L-leucine: 50 mg
- Vitamin C: 20 mg
- Chromium: 30 mcg
- Iron: 20 mg
- Absolute Alcohol: 5% v/v
Role in Animal Health:
- Neuronal Health: Supports the repair and rejuvenation of neurons.
- Energy Metabolism: Enhances energy generation through carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism.
- Immune Function: Strengthens immune response with antioxidants.
- Stress Reduction: Minimizes stress hormone production, improving overall animal health.
Usage Instructions:
- Cattle: 100 ml daily
- Buffalo, Sheep, Goat: 20 ml daily or as directed by the veterinarian
- Weakness and Debility
- Downer Cow Syndrome
- Chronic Illness
- Heat Stress and Lameness
- Pregnant Animals
Why Choose NEURO FAST Liquid:
- Comprehensive Nervine Support: Addresses multiple aspects of nervous system health.
- Energy and Immunity Boost: Enhances overall energy levels and immune response.
- Stress Reduction: Promotes calm and reduces stress-related conditions.
- 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 liter (with measuring cup)
Storage Instructions:
- Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children.
#NEUROFAST #COWCAREPharmaceuticals #COWCAREPharmaceuticalPvtLtd #COWCARE #KAMAPetShop #NEUROFASTLiquid #LivestockCare #VeterinarySupplement #AnimalHealth #NervineTonic #FarmAnimalCare #CattleHealth #SheepHealth #GoatHealth #AdvancedNervineSupport #EnergyBooster #ImmuneSupport #FarmSupplies #AnimalRecovery #HealthyLivestock #CowCare #BuffaloCare #SheepCare #GoatCare #StressReduction #VitaminSupplement #Mecobalamine #Thiamine #Copper #Biotin #Nicotinamide #Iodine #VitaminB6 #LLeucine #VitaminC #Chromium #Iron
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