Ossomin Gel provides an instant source of ionic calcium to support cows and buffaloes during the critical pre-calving and post-calving periods, preventing milk fever and improving milk production.

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Ossomin Gel: The Essential Calcium Source for Pre- and Post-Calving
Ossomin Gel is a specially formulated calcium supplement designed to provide critical ionic calcium to cows and buffaloes during the crucial pre-calving and immediate post-calving periods. This unique gel formulation helps prevent mineral and electrolyte imbalances caused by the significant calcium drain from the dam during foetal bone development and post-calving lactation. Ossomin Gel offers an instant source of ionic calcium, ensuring rapid recovery and maintenance of serum calcium levels, which are essential for muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, and overall metabolic function.
With its carefully balanced composition of Ionic Calcium, Potassium, and Magnesium, Ossomin Gel addresses the challenges faced by high-milk-producing animals, preventing conditions like milk fever, ketosis, and other post-calving complications. Ossomin Gel not only supports the animal’s health but also helps maintain optimal milk production.
Key Features:
- Pre-Calving: Supports foetal bone development by compensating for the significant calcium drain from the dam during the final stages of pregnancy.
- Calving: Helps maintain strong muscle contractions, nerve impulse transmission, and electrolyte balance during the calving process, preventing muscle weakness and electrolyte loss.
- Post-Calving: Prevents the onset of milk fever and associated complications by replenishing lost calcium, proteins, vitamins, and immunoglobulins, aiding in the animal’s recovery and maintaining milk production.
Composition & Role:
Ingredient | Role |
Ionic Calcium (45g) | Provides a rapid source of bioavailable calcium to support muscle contraction and nerve function. |
Potassium (2.25g) | Helps maintain electrolyte balance and supports muscle function during calving and post-calving. |
Magnesium (2.75g) | Prevents calcium deficiency and helps maintain metabolic functions and nerve impulses. |
- Instant Calcium Replenishment: Provides an immediate source of ionic calcium post-calving, essential for muscle contractions and metabolic function.
- Prevents Milk Fever & Ketosis: Reduces the risk of metabolic diseases like milk fever and ketosis that can result from calcium and electrolyte imbalances.
- Prolonged Calcium Support: Maintains serum calcium levels for longer periods than intravenous calcium therapies, ensuring a steady supply of calcium.
- Improves Milk Production: Supports lactating animals by ensuring adequate calcium levels, leading to better milk production and overall health.
- Milk Fever Prevention
- Calcium Deficiency
- Negative Energy Balance
- Electrolyte Loss Post-Calving
- High-Milk-Producing Animals
Recommended Dosage:
- For High-Milk-Yielding Animals: Administer one bottle per animal per day for 5-10 days orally or as directed by the veterinarian to maintain milk yield.
- For Normal Parturition: Administer one bottle at an interval of 6-12 hours before and after parturition orally.
- To Prevent Milk Fever: Administer one bottle at the first sign of calving and another bottle 6 to 12 hours post-calving. Repeat every 12 hours as needed or as directed by the veterinarian.
300g Squeezable Bottle
Usage Instructions:
- Administer the recommended dosage orally using the squeezable bottle.
- For optimal results, follow the recommended dosage schedule based on the animal’s calving status and health condition.
- Consult a veterinarian for specific usage instructions tailored to the animal’s needs.
Safety Precautions:
- Storage: Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children.
- Usage: For veterinary use only. Not for human use.
#OssominGel #CalciumSupplement #MilkFeverPrevention #KetosisPrevention #CattleCare #BuffaloCare #PreCalvingSupport #PostCalvingRecovery #LactatingAnimals #ElectrolyteBalance #MineralReplenishment #AnimalHealth #LivestockManagement #VeterinaryCare #DairyFarmers #HighMilkYield #CalciumDeficiencyPrevention #EnergyBalance #MuscleFunction #NerveFunctionSupport #MilkProductionBoost #FarmAnimalCare #VeterinarySupplements #FoetalBoneDevelopment #HealthyCalving #InstantCalciumSource #LactationSupport #CalciumGel #DairyAnimalHealth #CalciumMaintenance
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